
New updates and improvements to Vidzflow.

22 May
  • Added a Form functionality, allowing users to collect viewer data before or after a video
  • Improved Analytics metrics
  • Added extended player controls, check the docs
  • Minor quality of life changes and bug fixes

25 Apr
  • Added an end card functionality, allowing users to display the card at the end of the video
  • Added a background color switcher, allowing users to set a player container color before the video loads
  • Redesigned a Webflow extension and retrofitted all the web app features to be available

28 Feb
  • Expanded custom play button functionality, users are now allowed to set separate custom play button icon for mobile screens and specify if they want to keep either as original size
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a too large video could be uploaded from URL
21 Feb
  • Added a CTA button functionality
  • Re-organized settings in a more sensible tab sections
  • Minor styling changes to the web-app
14 Feb
  • Added video analytics functionality
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes plan upgrade would throw server error
  • Added disableRemotePlayback attribute to player to remove chromecast button on videos
7 Feb
  • Added support for using mp4 as a thumbnail
  • Added social share buttons to Share/Embed tab
  • Fixed an issue where the color picker was broken on latest Safari browser
15 Jan
  • Added support for SVG thumbnails
  • Added an option to re-generate default thumbnail
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a validation for play button upload would fail
12 Jan
  • Update invitation email check to not be case sensitive
8 Jan
  • Fix encoding logic to remove upscaled qualities from the pipeline and fix an issue where sometimes video validation would fail and produce error 500
27 Dec
  • Update logo in the navigation bar
  • Change the way the video is deleted from using a password to a DELETE string
20 Dec
  • Fix an issue where sometimes autoplay wouldn't trigger correctly on IOS devices
  • Update watermark to use new logo
18 Dec
  • Fix an issue where sometimes a user can't delete their account post workspaces implementation
  • Fix an issue where sometimes a plan couldn't be changed
  • Fix an issue where sometimes the video size validation wasn't initialized properly, resulting in a site breaking bug
6 Dec
  • Add "Play when in view" functionality that triggers a play when a video comes into view
  • Add "Play when in view" option in Webflow designer extension
  • Remove context menu on video player
  • Fix an issue where a workspace plan upgrade wouldn't clear cache properly
  • Fix an issue where sending an invitiation would trigger a server error
29 Nov
  • Add Workspaces functionality (check out and include array of fixes for various issues regarding payment
28 Nov
  • Fixed a problem where past due subscriptions were causing issues for users when trying to re-initiate plan
24 Nov
  • Fix an issue where a video embedded via designer extension wouldn't get proper aspect ratio
23 Oct
  • Add a "playsinline" attribute that fixes the autoplay not working on IOS when using videos as a background
25 Sep
  • Add Google and Github as social logins
  • Implement a toggle in settings that allows a video to be used as a background video
22 Sep
  • Implement chapters and subtitles to a designer extension
19 Sep
  • Implement a change where the user is prevented from enabling autoplay without the muted toggle
18 Sep
  • Include a new pricing plan
15 Sep
  • Fixed an issue with the color picker on Safari
  • Implemented support for custom play button
14 Sep
  • Fixed an issue where several notifications would be triggered upon uploading a video
12 Sep
  • Added an option to designer extension to download a video from remote using URL
11 Sep
  • Fixed a problem where a bad URL for downloading a video was breaking the site
  • Minor QOL fixes (wordings, UI/UX, functionality)
8 Sep
  • Implemented the way to play and pause player with post
  • Message on the iframe.
6 Sep
  • Improve the audio quality for encoded videos
  • Updated the auto generated thumbnail frame to middle of the video
  • Minor tweaks to SEO page to increase clarity
4 Sep
  • Fixed a problem where the playback speed wasn't working on the new player
  • Fixed a problem where the click-to-play option wasn't working properly on the new player
  • Fixed a problem where the player would break if all the controls were disabled
  • Fixed a problem where the mute button wouldn't work
  • Changed the "Contact support" button text to "Contact support via mail" and changed it so it doesn't open in a new tab
  • Fixed the issue where there would be overflow of notifications when saving player settings